Findlay Lake. I have written about this little piece of heaven numerous times and here we go again. The Tarara Party fished Findlay this past week and were extremely happy. They caught numerous walleyes over 25 inches but commented that they had a walleye in each inch category from small ones to the biggest of the trip measuring a huge 28 inches. And if catching all those Big Walleyes wasn't enough, they even caught a 40 inch Northern! But for a hardcore Walleye fisherman that is small potatoes compared to a 28 inch walleye. :)
Here are some pictures from last week at Cherrington. The Davis Party.

Here is a link to the complete Photo album.
Davis Party Cherrington 2008
Here are a couple of pictures from me.
That is not clouds in the sky... It is smoke! Coming from Manitoba. Forest fires burning far away. Hopefully they will get the rain we are getting.
This guy always rides up front with me. If he sat in the back he would be actually filling that bag. He brings his own but I have never seen him use one. Good to be prepared if you are prone to it. It was perfectly smooth the morning I took them in. Thanks mostly to Mother nature and partially to my piloting abilities there was not a bump in the sky.