Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring has settled in...but anything can happen yet.

It has been sunny and dry since February up north and quite warm. Things are quite dry in our part of Manitoba and it continues into Northwestern Ontario. It is amazing how we can go from record high water levels last season to potentially low water this spring. The snow is all but gone in a few places and the ice on Lake Manitoba is getting uglier every day. The sunshine has been great but sure eats up the ice. Ice out should be near the end of April this year but can change a lot depending on how many snow storms we get.

The birds continue to return every day and continue northbound. We have trophy sized Gulls in the north that sit in trees!!!

Lake Manitoba is a little low. The first sand bar is out which is pretty normal for this time of year.

Our trail through the Cattails will need to be cleared again next fall.

The creek is full but doesn't have much to drain this spring. If it continues warm and dry the run off will be done in a few days.

Some spots in the open fields take longer to thaw and hold back the water.

It is raining and windy here today changing to snow over night. Lets see what Mother Nature has in store for the rest of the spring.