Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Big swings in the temperature!

Perch fishing remains and we are in pursuit, pulling unproductive nets out and re-setting them into "hopefully" more productive spots out on Lake Manitoba. Fishermen have not fished perch much in the last couple of years and there seems to be many big perch this season like this one.

We have had some very warm weather but also some 30 below weather. Here is what happens to the crack when this kind of thing happens. One day it can be 10 feet wide...

And 2 days later you cannot even get close to it, as the lake expands it crushes 4 feet of ice together with incredible force!!

We had a line of nets almost get eaten by the crack. Most people would be a little nervous to be standing beside a 5000 pound machine 20 feet from some open water and a huge crack in the ice, but not us. We have been on the lake since we were toddlers Jamie and I.

There was no school yesterday so my nephew Trent came out for the day. Teenagers are always messing around!

Rena and I went to one of our old Dockhands wedding this weekend in London Ontario. Jay(middle one) is well on his way as a commercial pilot since spending 2 seasons working for us 6 years ago. Flying now with a regional airline and gaining more valuable experience before making the next step into flying the large airliners. It is great to see a young man going for his dream and succeeding.

There is an important building also in London, THE LABATT BREWERY!!! I just had to stop and get a picture outside the beer store attached to a well respected place.

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