Well we are here in Red Lake for the summer now and the Ice is on the lakes still. It looks like there will be a late ice out, but alot can change if Mother Nature decides to help out a little.
Now that I have your attention, I have a few different options for you for your fishing trip. There are some more reasonably priced Beers available as well. These beers priced around $30, where Blue and the big brands cost $45. I will give you my humble opinion. I know beer:) Rena will find out to make sure that they are all available in cans.
James Ready, 5.5% alcohol Good Beer nice flavor, lager
James Ready Honey, Good beer too, a little lighter than the above.
Lucky Lager, 4.5% alcohol Ok Beer, ok flavor, not as good as James Ready but has some flavor.
Lakeport has a few different flavors but I have never been fond of this brand but some people like it. I am not sure if this one is available in cans or not but the others are for sure.
Also there is construction on the causeway past Fort Frances so there will be lengthy delays due to that. We are suggesting you go West on highway 11 to highway 71. Go north on 71 through Sioux Narrows and then travel East on Highway 17 until you reach Vermillion Bay. Then north on 105 to Red Lake.
Here we go again, Are you Ready?