Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Bush

I came across a book recently, Alaska from A-Z. There are many funny and true definitions in there but the first one I looked at was in the B's

Bunny Boots
Bunny boots, also known as vapor barrier boots, are white, insulated footwear designed to protect feet in sub-zero temperatures. They take their name from the Arctic hare, which has large hind feet and a white winter coat.

The Bush
Originally used to describe large expanses of wilderness inhabited by trappers and miners, now "the Bush" is generally considered to mean any part of Alaska inaccessible by road. A community accessible only by air, water, sled or snow machine transportation is considered a bush village. The Bush is home to many of Alaska's Native people and to many Alaskans who live on homesteads, operate mines or work as guides, pilot, trappers or fishermen.

The term "Bush" has been applied to the small planes their pilots who service areas that lack roads or developed airports. Bush planes are commonly equipped with floats or skis, depending on the terrain and season.

Alaska and Ontario are very similar indeed, except for the mountains! I am glad to not have those in my area I fly!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Manitoba Rednecks 2011

Spring in Canada can be long depending on the weather, hockey is over and there is lots of energy to be burned off. It is kind of funny to see my nephews doing the exact same things my brothers and I used to do, crazy stuff that could possibly end up disastrous but are so much fun!!

The weather has been so sunny and warm. The last storm went south of us again as it has much of the winter so spring has gotten off to a good start, lets hope it stays nice.