This past week I flew the Brad H., Brent C., and Micheal B. Party into Daniels. During their orientation, Brad proceeded to present James with a card stating that he was a member of the 40 inch club. James and Brad are the only members, and this is a pretty exclusive club. The holder does not have to do dishes and other various chores around the camp! The others in the party thought that it kind of sucks since they all have had Northerns that have measured 39 inches in the past! They also have a plaque for the largest walleye and northern. This year Heath took the walleye award with a 24 and 1/2 incher, caught in the first hour, and Peter had the largest northern measuring 36 inches. The Northern prize was a heated competition, with the lead changing hands many times, but Peter held on for the win. They will be back next year looking for their "40 inch Club card"
I don't mind Spiders but these monsters give me the Willies!
This Little guy I took to Jeanette the other day was Really excited. Him and his brother were swimming before I left while Grandpa got the fishin gear ready. It has been good swimming weather lately.
This is how you should pack!! Brent C. flew from Chicago to International Falls and had everything in one big suitcase(which he left in Red Lake cause it weighed 14 pounds) and repacked his clothes into a smaller bag before going on the Otter. Not his first trip thats for sure! Most people wear the same clothes almost all week, only changing underwear and socks(I hope) so you don't need too many changes of clothes.