Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New roof on Daniels!

Fall has showed up and has done so with a week of relentless wind! It has been kind of rainy and windy and cool for awhile now and the moose should be right on the edge of the rut! Geese continue to fly southwest constantly, riding the strong northerly flow. My favorite time of year. Before I turn my attention to moose hunting there is plenty of work to be done at the camps. The last couple of days have been spent putting a new roof on the Cobham Daniel cabin. A metal roof and done forever, also safer in the event of a near miss by a forest fire... The putting up 15 foot sheets of metal in a wind is not much fun and hard on the hands handling the sharp metal.

The scenery at this time of year from the air.

On Sunday I will be headed to the bush for 3 weeks of moose adventure. Keep watching for updates and video. I will be in tune with the moose soon!!! :)

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